Thursday 24 March 2022

Does Anyone Know How to Cure Bad Breath?

The first logical person to ask is your dentist. Visiting your dentist every six months for regular examines and cleanings will go a long way in helping to rid the mouth of the putrid bacteria which is the major cause of the odor, in addition to training the patient in the techniques to use at home between visits. The professional coaching from your dentist can help you learn how to cure bad breath.

Become conscious of the foods you eat each day. Various items contribute to bad breath in greater quantity than others. Dense proteins such as meat and dairy products, various sugars and the obvious onions and garlic, in addition to coffee and alcohol can all be odor producers. Consider keeping a log of what you eat, plus any medications you take, and share this information with your dentist.

Are you a mouth-breather? If so, then learning to breathe through your nose more often could be part of the answer as to how to cure bad breath. The reason for this is because breathing through your mouth dries the oral cavity and a dry mouth is the perfect breeding ground for odor-causing bacteria. If you have trouble with nasal passages, make an appointment for a thorough examination by an Ear, Nose and Throat specialist.

Gum and mints can help play a part in keeping your mouth moist, which will help cut down on the development of oral bacteria. These bacteria flourish better in a dryer environment, so the moister your mouth remains, the better chance you have to help retard the development of bad breath. Internal breath fresheners offer one way to help prevent putrid breath, as does the natural route of munching some parsley after a meal. With continued dedication to the effort, you will soon learn how to cure bad breath.

Article Source:  EzineArticles 

Does Anyone Know How to Cure Bad Breath?

The first logical person to ask is your dentist. Visiting your dentist every six months for regular examines and cleanings will go a long wa...